sound healing starts here


your safe space for Science-based sound bathing

What is sound Therapy?

 Sound therapy is a practice that uses sound and vibrations to improve physical and mental health. Sound therapy is a safe, easy shortcut to stress reduction, improved relaxation, pain management, better mood, and improved focus.

 Does it actually work?

No magic, just science. Vibrations from sound therapy instruments like Tibetan bowls, gongs, and crystal bowls influence the brain and the body. Different sound frequencies affect the nervous system by slowing down brain waves and inducing a calmer state, leading to physiological changes like reduced muscle tension and lowered blood pressure. 


What should I try?

sound bath


Sound therapy




science-backed benefits

of sound therapy

Stress reduction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros.

improved sleep

Quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque.

pain management

Fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat duis ut hendrerit. Curabitur non bibendum ligula.

mood enhancement

Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet.

"You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound and vibration.” – Mitchell Gaynor, M.D.

Kason Espinosa

"Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor sed vulputate sapien."

Saif Guerra

"Curabitur non bibendum ligula. Etiam quis blandit erat donec laoreet libero non metus."

Rehaan Whitfield

Book A Session Today

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1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220
(255) 352-6258
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